Our Services

Bridge’s services draw on senior-level consultancy. At its heart our work has one guiding principle: helping businesses and brands to be more effective in reaching their audiences.

And all our work is informed by robust data and insights that mean brands can be confident their communications will be effective every time.

Corporate Reputation Management

Reputations are built over years but can be destroyed in minutes. 

We start with the brief - for example, protecting a company’s licence to operate and building advocacy - and build strategies and programmes of activity from there. Often this includes strategic media relations, with programmes that create meaningful relationships with the most influential media and journalists, demonstrate credibility and shape narratives. Our areas of expertise include leadership profiling and financial communications, often linked to corporate M&A events. 

We advise on and create owned and social collateral - such as agenda-setting thought leadership and LinkedIn leadership content - that can support strategic objectives.


Our campaigns use the right blend of media relations and owned and social content to reach the audiences that matter, wherever they are. Our approach identifies the channels that will create the most impact before developing the content that helps to change mindsets and habits, working in partnership with marketing and business development teams.

Research and Audience Insights

Brands can only communicate with confidence when their messaging is informed by their audiences’ needs. We have the capability to undertake primary research and robustly analyse the findings. Our associate network allows us to gather original insights from almost any audience group, with their views helping to shape messaging and activity. And we have access to the tools that can show which media and other channels are truly cutting through and reaching audiences.